Happy hump-day friends! Payday is just around the corner, and I've spent the last hour fantasizing about what tools I need. Here's a pretty preview of my current wishlist:
I definitely need a staple gun to complete the two projects I wrote about yesterday. I think I can manage ~$20 for a decent staple gun. Look at that miter saw, doesn't it look lovely? That one there isn't a fancy-shmancy miter saw, but from the reviews I've read it does the job quite well and for a good price. I have to admit, I don't have a use for it at the moment. If I got it I probably could saw up some wood just for fun practice :) I'm still doing some research for a decent nail gun and drill. There is a closet that needs a-fixin' at our house which would require that lever and that drill. I've been nagging a friend of mine to help us out with it for a while, but now that I'm super-handy I think I can do it myself and share it with all of you!
What should I get first? Decisions, decisions…